New Year, Better Social Intentions
So at the end of last year, I mentioned that I wanted to begin wiping my socials clean and as well as have better intentions when it comes to my social media. That also includes posting artwork elsewhere (the non traditional spaces) and finding my love for illustrating and posting again. 
At the time of writing this, I'm just shy of one year unemployed and as well as one year since I've last picked up my pencil and drew something. I'm currently fighting two wolves within me because of this and also paying for my domains this year. (Without my consent mind you. GoDaddy can apparently bypass all of my card locks lol. Can't wait for the "one button cancel" bill to go into effect honestly.)
During this one year of unemployment, there was an imaginary (I'll admit that) pressure to continue to post, remain positive, post inspirational and cinematic things on my instagram story, and keep my opinions to myself about my situation and the state of the world. This caused me to keep quiet about things going on in my life because what is the point of getting buried in all the other more important noise. 
The point of my blah? 
This is why I want better online hygiene and intentions. 
Cue the montage of my cutting my shackles and weights holding me down. 
When I find a way to share where my artwork and I will be, and then on the other platforms (Like Insta or X) they will possibly be private'd and archived in a way. (Incoming, these are to eventually become inactive.)
I'm looking to become more active on socials like BlueSky and Cara. 
( and (@pensurfing) respectively. 
But old habits absolutely die hard and having to transition away from social media accounts that are almost 10 years old is saddening and frustrating. In all of this, thank you for your understanding, patience, and support. Always. 

Until another day you,
🌊 Cait
And Happy New Year lol
snow in Atlanta oh lawd
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